Why wont you let me love you? & questions - Comments

  • DeleteMe12

    DeleteMe12 (150)

    I'd ask you out... :)
    I live in Antarctica too! So, it all works out! And if it doesn't... then I'm sure the penguins will escort you.
    On a more serious note, can't you go in a group with your friends? I've seen that happen... on tv...

    -favorite song? At the moment Dressed Up To Undress by Breathe Carolina
    -Favorite cartoon? Pokemon :3
    -Sick of being told what to do? Not really. I need direction and rules in my life.
    -Anyone you want to fall in a pool of honey in an immensely populated region of bears? Nooo, love, not hate.
    -What is a funny word? Subtle. Why does it have to have a 'b' in it?
    October 18th, 2010 at 11:38am