I need time. - Comments

  • Faraaaaaaaaah

    Faraaaaaaaaah (100)

    United States
    Cas, I feel your pain. I do. I really do. I have to force myself to have free time, or else I threaten myself with death. I scare myself, sometimes.

    I wish I could help you go to Kenya! It would be an amazing experience (even though I've never been in Africa - well, does flying over Egypt count?). I need to raise money myself to go study abroad, because that's one of my interests - I;m hoping we get to go to Italy or England; those places are usually picked out for my psych program.

    I could've helped you with physics, but seeing as my teacher never taught me anything, I would be no help. At all. Although, if you want to know the ways of a Wiccan woman, I could totally help you there.
    October 23rd, 2010 at 06:37am