So much life is pretty much... "better"? Haha NO, I'm screwed. - Comments

  • siddmax

    siddmax (100)

    United States
    Its not you, its him. Deleting his facebook page means either he's insecure about what happened and doesn't want to deal with the result, or, he's trying to move on from what happened.

    In either case, whatever happened has nothing to do with how you've acted, its something he probably has been thinking of for a very long time. And sometimes when we get really frustrated thinking about stuff like that we want to change in dramatic ways (hence breaking up).

    Its possible you could get back together with him, I'm sure he's calmed down. But I think its better to let him go (maybe it'll change him for the better). Because if you love him, you'll have to accept the way he does things for himself.

    Maybe I'm just a nut, and I should get back to studying for that history test...
    October 25th, 2010 at 03:57am