How was your first kiss? - Comments

  • My first kiss was just a quick little thing I did with my BFF at the time when seh was sleeping over and we were taking funny pictures (so I have it on camera and we're not friends anymore- blackmail?)

    My second kiss was with my girlfriend at the time. She was sleeping over but we didn't do anything besides kiss (I'm waiting). Anyway, it was totally awkward because I wasn't really sure what to do and I was so nervous I kept laughing (I laugh when I'm nervous). Finally she just leaned in and kissed me. Our teeth bumped a few times and she told me I had skinny lips. LMAO super embarrassing!
    October 27th, 2010 at 05:52pm
  • I was 13, and had just gotten to a party after a musical I was in. I was crammed on a couch next to my crush with about 10 other people. They were all nudging him and saying "Do it!" and he was getting all upset and saying "I will, shhh!" I was resting my head on his shoulder while we were watching Jackass and I couldn't see the TV and my neck hurt but I wasn't going to move my head for anything. He said my name, and I looked over, and he gave me a peck, and the entire room went "AWWW!"
    October 27th, 2010 at 04:43pm
  • Mine was... cute but painful. We were fourteen.

    It was about 2am, and I was camping with my family. And, as per usual, when I go to the Riverland with my parents, I spend all night messing around with my friends, and just yeah. Anyway, on this particular night, we were all loitering in the playground. A few of my mates were sitting around on the steps and on the monkey bars. I was on the swing, and we were talking about something or other.

    So, my best friend at the time, she snuck up on me while I was talking to one of the guys, and just, yeah. She kissed me. It was quite cute, but it was so painful, because we overbalanced and I fell off the swing, and she fell on top of me. xD
    October 27th, 2010 at 01:45pm