I think I've done a bad bad thing - Comments

  • something111meh

    something111meh (100)

    Be up front with him when the time comes. He's playing games right now, so you should play too, ain't no harm in a girl flirting and having fun. He will get to a point where he'll either confront you or stop falling for you. If he does the first one, then you just say, "I think you're a great guy, but there's just this guy that I have to figure stuff out with first. I would mind fooling around because I'm a one guy kind of girl and if we do anything due to a moment's weakness, then you should know you'll just complicate things between us, which will just lead me to hate you. And you don't want that" That way, you've covered your ass from all directions :D
    November 10th, 2010 at 04:36am
  • ratherbebliss

    ratherbebliss (100)

    tsk tsk, thought you werent going to fall for peer pressure?!?! lol jk, i knew you were going to start drinking at some point. But to lead him on.... thats bad. super bad. you should probably tell him before his hopes are too high. or maybe they are already too high and telling him will just crush him and make him feel even worse. Martino what is your call on this one?
    November 10th, 2010 at 03:30am