how do you know when you have way to much on your plate? - Comments

  • kitsch

    kitsch (195)

    United States
    I fully understand this issue right here.
    It's one of my bad habits; starting a story, getting excited about
    it, then not knowing how to end it and eventually abandoning it.

    When this happens, I will usually leave the story alone or scrap it for later.
    If I have a new story idea, I'll think it through, more so than the story I
    don't want to finish. Whichever story has more priority gets my attention. (:

    But if you really want to write a new story, I encourage you to do so.
    Just plan it out a little bit, ya know?

    & I'd review your story, but it's a fandom I don't particularly care for.
    Sorry. Good luck on getting some con-crit worth your time though. P:
    November 8th, 2010 at 03:03pm