What's appropriate for Facebook and what's not? - Comments

  • To me, sex is private and how would that guy feel? You just dont post that stuff. The girl probably just did that for a popularity status gain, but everyone is going to think low of her now for posting about it on facebook
    November 17th, 2010 at 07:29am
  • I had to delete my facebook because my ex boyfriend was righting cruel innapropriet pervy comments on all of my posts and pictures, hed even search through all of my friends profiles just to find things about or involving me and right horrible things about me.
    i dont like facebook very much now, stupid pig toast eating ex boyfriend.
    November 17th, 2010 at 04:21am
  • I deleted my facebook. But I usually posted random crap. I find people's updates about their day boring. I also hate it when people bring drama to facebook. It doesn't really happen between people that attend my school (they leave that to formspring) but I've seen a few. Its stupid.
    November 17th, 2010 at 03:39am
  • I put up whatever I feel.

    "Personally, I find it annoying when people make status' referring to their plans for the day, because I don't rightly care. But that's just me.(:"

    My mom and brother-in-law were talking about that the other day, and I agree, because it can go both ways. While you may not care, and find it annoying, that people post their life stories up on Facebook, they probably think the same about whatever you post. (General you there.)

    I think that's disgusting though.

    There's this girl in my grade, she used to be one of my best friends, and then she got into drinking and smoking and stuff and started to mix with the wrong crowd. Now, all she posts is these crappy loves quotes, and the other day she was talking about how she was gonna go get drunk with her friends, and how she couldn't wait to do it because of all the drama, and my mom, sister, and I are like ....really? >-<
    November 17th, 2010 at 03:38am
  • It's funny that you mention that. I actually don't have a facebook, but I got in a fight with this kid today because he called my friend katie fat and ugly. So of course I punched him in the face. Through reliable sources, I found he made his facebook status this whole sulky thing about how I'm such an immature lying bitch. I love how I'm the immature one for standing up for Katie, when he was the one who was bullying her in the first place and the goes to pout on facebook about it when someone calls him out on it.
    He did the same thing when his girlfriend dumped him. Sulked about how much he missed her and wanted her back through facebook statuses. Come on dude, MAN UP! You want her back, go out into the REAL WORLD and do some shit. You wanna say shit about me, say it to my face. Better yet, punch me back, don't just sit there hiding behind your screen trolling the hell out of people.
    November 17th, 2010 at 03:31am
  • Eh...
    yeah, I don't post that personal stuff on there.
    I do post song lyrics and stuff and they are about a certain person.
    Sometimes, I do put up about my plans because my friends do comment sometimes.
    November 17th, 2010 at 03:30am
  • Lol, I just block people who post inna-pro-pro status' from my little wall thing. They're still my friends - you know in case they find out I "broke" our friendship or whatever (it's happened), but I don't have to read about their raunchy lives.
    November 17th, 2010 at 03:29am
  • Actually it annoys me when people post songs or quotes or anything that has to do with songs or whatever. Posting about your day or what is on your mind sounds decent to me and if a song is in your mind just put the stupid name of it.
    November 17th, 2010 at 03:29am
  • I see posting about your sex life on Facebook as being classless, if anything. I myself was raised in a family where the subject of sex was anything but taboo, and was discussed freely and without judgment. Yet, even then, to post about it publicly on an Internet site? Trolling for attention, and that's it.

    I post pictures on Facebook. Roadtrip memoirs, songs that I like and want to share, small tidbits of what's going on. Not too much, just a bit.
    November 17th, 2010 at 03:29am
  • I mainly put up a verse from my favorite song of the day . I don't really put up my plans for the day , since I don't lead an interesting life like some people . But I might post something funny that had just happened or whatever . Or something I found amusing . But nah , I don't think I'm that annoying on facebook :3
    November 17th, 2010 at 03:27am