Honest opinions Mibba, is dating a good friends ex bad?? - Comments

  • v Thanks heaps -hugs- that makes me feel a bit better. I talked to my other best friend who's basically my sister and she thought it might not be such a good idea because even if she says it's fine deep down she'll be hurt no matter what :(
    And I can see how that's true.

    I think I'll discuss it more with her yeah :D

    Ahaha, good work! High five?
    Lol, that does seem a bit of a sticky situation :/ but I'm glad it's worked out alright!

    And I might just take you up on that offer XD
    November 22nd, 2010 at 08:08am
  • Okay, well this is what methinks:
    If your friend says it's totally alright, then I guess it's fine. Make sure that she's absolutely fine with it though, because obviously, something like this could really screw up a friendship.

    To tell the truth, when I first looked at the title of this, I was thinking 'do you even have to ask? Of course it's not okay!' After reading it though, I get it, and I stand by what I said.

    I think that if she would have a problem with it, you could definitely tell, or she'd tell you herself.
    But if she's totally okay with it, and it makes you happy, then go on ahead. :)

    Okay, I'm done trying to run your life. :D
    BTW, just because this was one of your questions:
    Something like that's never happened to me, but sort of. I mean, me and a friend both liked this guy, and yeah.. it was kind of sucky.
    I got him though (ha!), and we're still on pretty good terms (said friend).

    Oh, and if you need someone to talk to or something (just because you mentioned that) you can always talk to mwa. :D

    November 22nd, 2010 at 07:48am