I feel abandoned. - Comments

  • imsimple

    imsimple (100)

    United States
    As an atheist you may not want to take advice from me, but it's up to you(:

    Life is hard, cruel, and agonizing. However, without a world filled with bad things there would be no standard for good. Meaning that we go through rough times so when something good happens to us, we know it and embrace it. Right now you may feel that there is NOTHING good that can happen to you. But the truth is you don't HAVE to wait for it. If you look inside yourself and you feel your heart beating, you should be able to feel the warmth of your own love. If you feel the hearts of your friends you should feel their love too. Just know that you aren't restrained to depression. It's 100% curable.
    November 24th, 2010 at 07:22am
  • HelpI'mAlive

    HelpI'mAlive (100)

    United States
    We all feel abandoned and one point or another in our lives. I've been going through a rough time, too. I try to just live and not worry about everything that's tying me down. It's a good thing that your friend's trying to help you.

    Sorry if this sounds really retarded or make's no sense - it's like 3am here and I haven't slept yet [=
    November 24th, 2010 at 06:53am