To-Do List, A Question For You Lovely Mibbians, Unicycles, Snow, and Snow and Unicycles. - Comments

  • Imagine waking up one day from a horrible nightmare to find you've been transformed into a giant beetle.

    . . . Oh wait. The judges are telling me that's been done before. XD

    This kid in my speech class rides a unicycle to class most days.
    December 7th, 2010 at 02:15pm
  • Um, not being able to scream when I need to. Like I'm being chased or attacked or something.
    Holy crap. I had a dream like that and woke up freaking the feck out.
    I honestly get all... esh thinking about it.
    December 7th, 2010 at 12:11am
  • The same thing that frightens you frightens me. Being completely alone and isolated, with tons of places to go, but then the paranoia starts creeping up your spine about if there is something or someone else watching you and making fun of you while you roam around... creepy awful feeling.

    And aside from the fear or being alone, I have a severe fear of getting pregnant. It's not just the "Oh, goodness! I don't want kids now!" feeling. No, it's this anxious feeling that plagues me whenever I think about it (and even during sex Facepalm awful) and then I can't breathe because of the sole thought, and then I just want to jump off my balcony to see if I can just get rid of that feeling.

    It's awful, I tell you T_T

    And that dude, I'd be interested in a polygamist relationship :P I can share him with you, yes?
    December 7th, 2010 at 12:07am
  • Spiders.
    Particularly Black Widows and Brown Recluse.
    I'm absolutely terrified that some spider, even if it's smaller than what those two are, will just come and bite me in my sleep, and I'll die.

    I freak out every time I see a spider, and about have a panic attack.
    December 7th, 2010 at 12:05am

    What scares me? Hmm. I have alot that scares me. Growing up, mostly. I'll always be the tiny psychologist who looks like she's 12 and thinks that she's 12. I mean, c'mon, being a kid is fun. Childhood should never end. It's a crime, I tell you! D: Oh, and ghosts. Ghosts scare me. Well, not really. I like them. They make me feel a little less insane, for some reason >.>
    December 7th, 2010 at 12:01am
  • For some reason I thought that the "personal" in the picture said "pregnant". I was like "Pregnant snow? o____o" I have this irrational fear of growing up. It's like Peter Pan Syndrome or something. XD Like today I was talking to my dad in the car and saying that I wanted so much to go back to highschool, and I'd do it in a heartbeat if I could even though right now I only have a job and the rest of my time is free time. I was so antisocial in highschool and I've completely changed, and I want to go back and start over. It's part of my branch of autism to mentally mature slower than everyone else, so I acted like I was ten in highschool and I'm just now getting into the fourteen-year-old mindset even though I'm seventeen. =____=

    But yeah, I hate the thought of growing up and not being able to stop it. ;_;
    December 6th, 2010 at 11:57pm