Suicide? - Comments

  • Excuse me; but suicide isin't a selfish feeling at all. It's simply a feeling that you cannot get rid of -- speaking personally. I can assure you, there are other options instead of taking your own life an upsetting others that care about you, and love you. So, if you have a problem with suicide -- keep it to yourself. For the sake of others that actually have to deal with it day in and day out. Enjoy your time with everyone you meet in life; smile at a stranger, or do something nice for someone that you've never done before. You never know how much that one little smile could mean to them.
    March 8th, 2011 at 02:43am
  • Oh okay, thank you xxxx

    Take care Purple :D

    December 8th, 2010 at 11:06pm
  • Fear I agree. I didn't mean my first comment as 'I'm going to pick on one specific person and one specific incident' thing. It was sort of a general statement about a broad amount of cases.

    Me, I look at the number of comments that show up on the list-of-journals-page and whenever it changes, I check the journal. You just have to keep checking back every now and then.
    December 8th, 2010 at 10:52pm
  • Purple.Rose.Garden
    I didnt say you hadnt been through it, I was trying to get the point acros that you shouldnt (not just you but everyone) group everyone as being selfish for it as not all people are doing it for selfish reasons.
    A lot of people do it for selfish reasons and do not take others into consideration but the majority of people have reasons that they believe are correct.
    No one knows what is going on in someone elses head.

    Can someone please tell me how you guys know when somebody has commented? i didnt know you had replied until i accidentally click on this one again.....
    December 8th, 2010 at 10:40pm
  • Fear is in the mind You tell me not to be judgemental, but you don't know anything about what I've been through. Trust me, I've been there. I know what it's like. Take your own advice; don't judge before you're certain.

    godless Time is a beautiful principle. Time takes care of everything. That was my option; I took it; I'm alive.
    December 8th, 2010 at 10:33pm
  • Fear is the mind You're being quite harsh. Suicide for most people is selfish. Don't act like you're the only one who's ever gone through it. I've been depressed since I was eight years old and there is a slight chance I may be bipolar. I've tried to kill myself many times, and I know it's selfish. Maybe for your case it is not, but for some it is.
    December 8th, 2010 at 10:31pm
  • Anybody who has never felt like they wanted to end their life should shut the fuck up. How can you judge a feeling without ever having experienced it? It's pretty shitty to tell someone they're selfish when they just want to die. Oh, well, there's always other options! Well, what are they? They never say what they are.

    Frankly, I hate the creeping feeling of wanting to end your life. It's the worst thing in the world, especially when you and your closest friends are all feeling it. Because then there's nobody to help pull you out of it.
    December 8th, 2010 at 10:30pm
  • Excuse me Purple.Rose.Garden....

    Suicide is not the cowardly way out at all.

    Take me for example,
    I live every day with a man following me around that only I can see, with voices in my head that only I can hear.
    I have black outs everyday during which time I cause severe harm to myself and/or others.

    I have been at the point of suicide thousands of times, and attempted several.

    What kind of life is it when you are stuck in an institute.
    Meds dont work.
    Therapy dont work.
    Nothing works, whats the other option?

    I cant expect you to understand, you have obviously never struggled with anything to the point that thousands of other people have.

    Its not stupid .
    Its not selfish.

    Dont make judgements about things you dont understand.
    December 8th, 2010 at 10:26pm
  • i feel like that a lot honestly, but my mother also thinks it's stupid and selfish and I could never disappoint her like that, so i never plan on actually doing it.
    December 8th, 2010 at 10:24pm
  • It's a stupid and selfish way to throw your life away. And I'm speaking from experience. :/
    December 8th, 2010 at 10:19pm
  • I don't think suicide is selfish because when most are in that stage, they don't think of anything but an escape. But some do think of others and that's why they stop, but a lot of the time that doesn't cross the person's mind. I also don't think it's cowardly or brave. Suicide is a tragic thing, but sometimes people can't get out of that mental state.

    Sorry if that didn't make much sense.
    December 8th, 2010 at 10:14pm
  • Suicide, to me, is up to the person who's doing it. No one else. It's their life, they have the control over it. And sure, people will miss them. But if they died anyway without suicide, people would miss them. But thinking about it, it's all the same.
    December 8th, 2010 at 10:06pm
  • Personally, this is going to sound mean, but suicide is sort of selfish. I mean, think about all the people that will miss you after you're gone. People are going to suffer your loss, whether you think about it or not. It sounds harsh, but it's the cowardly way to deal with things.

    There are other options; you don't have to be so extreme.
    December 8th, 2010 at 10:03pm