1. Ten Things You Want To Say To Ten Different People - Comments

  • Simply Rui

    Simply Rui (100)

    United States
    don't mind :3
    Go for it... (ahaha I don't know why I said that since you already did :3)
    December 28th, 2010 at 06:33pm
  • Queen of Suburbia

    Queen of Suburbia (315)

    United States
    1.) I know life is tough. I'm sorry that you felt like the entire world was crashing down on you last night. I'm always here to help, and I hope what I said to you stuck, because I meant it.
    2.) You can shut up now, I don't care anymore.
    3.) I'm a survivor now. Even though you werent there when I needed you, I learned to deal with it.
    4.) Wow. Immaturity level. That's all that I got to say.
    5.) You need to wake up and smell the roses. You're worrying the heck outta us. Please realize what you're doing to yourself before it's too late.
    6.) I love you, I really do, no matter what I do or say. We can work through this.
    7.) You're my best friend. Stop getting mad at me and stop throwing other girls in my face. I don't like you like that. Tough love.
    8.) I cared about you alot and you threw it in my face? Wow, what a good friend you turned out to be.
    9.) You're like the brother I never had.
    10.) You're like-no, you are- the father figure I never have.
    December 28th, 2010 at 04:23pm
  • Tongue

    Tongue (100)

    United States
    5 different people....
    1. Your everything I hate in a guy yet your one of my best friends :)
    2. You saved me this time....
    3. Beauty can suck it. Your perfect the way you are.
    4. I envy you.....
    5. Go die in a hole....ALONE!
    December 28th, 2010 at 03:21pm