Thinking of Dropping out - Comments

  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    I dropped out for personal reasons. I did back in September and I went on to take GED classes at the end of October. In January, I'll continue the classes till I feel ready to take the tests.

    I'd say to drop out if it is really what you want. Try to get a GED. The classes are fairly okay and not too large, at least not at the college I attend.
    December 30th, 2010 at 06:00am
  • The Doctor

    The Doctor (105)

    Russian Federation
    If you're doing well, you should stick to it through the end. Everyone has their hardships and that doesn't mean you should give up so early in your life. Now... If you have a plan on what to do instead, feel free to do it. It takes a lot of preparation and thought to make strong decisions such as these.

    I personally loved high school and was motivated all through it. Now that I'm in college however, everything's been going poorly. I can still go home, get a job, and then return to college when I feel capable, but what would you do?

    In my opinion, I'd say wait until you're 18 to make life-changing decisions such as that.
    December 30th, 2010 at 05:20am
  • Nowhere Kids Voice

    Nowhere Kids Voice (100)

    United States
    Don't drop out unless you are absolutely sure that is what you want. Don't just let stress be you reason.

    Take some time off from work. You do good in school so it shouldn't have much of a bad impact. Just take some time to yourself so you can clear you head and chest.

    trust me, I understand about stress.
    I was having panic attacks in the beginning of the school year cuz of so much work, drama, not knowing whats gonna happen but i took time off and since then i've been a lot better.

    Just don't let a choice like this be on impulse
    take some time to really consider it
    December 30th, 2010 at 04:35am
  • Zero-

    Zero- (100)

    United States
    I dropped out of high school and, trust me, it's not worth it. If you think the stress in high school is bad, think of the stress when you're an underage teen with not even a high school diploma, not even a GED - nothing. You can't work (or only limited) and face it, no one really trusts "little kids" (meaning under eighteen or twenty-one).

    Dropping out of high school was the biggest mistake I have ever taken. I didn't care then, but I certainly care now, only a few years later. Trust me, I'd take the stress of high school over the shit I have to deal with now any day. It may seem like the only way out right now, but it's definitely worth it. Send me a message if you want to talk.

    v. I can see she took a different approach XD I didn't do shit after dropping out. It was my own mistake. I don't think it's worth it, but I guess if you're smarter than I was, it could work out.
    December 30th, 2010 at 04:21am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    I dropped out of high school last year, and got my GED in three months. I got a job and I'm going to college next spring at TSTC, it was worth it for me.
    December 30th, 2010 at 04:19am
  • notrelevant

    notrelevant (150)

    Hong Kong
    Once I started taking Algebra, I got that feeling. But I'm just in a slump, I guess.
    But I'm not dwelling on what I'm going to do when I get out of school. I'm in a band at the moment, so if that goes anywhere, I won't go to college. But if it doesn't, then I'll do something exciting - it's not all about the money, retirement, etc.
    December 30th, 2010 at 04:15am