Longing for a blank Word document - Comments

  • JollyJohanna

    JollyJohanna (100)

    Thank you. Your comment means a lot to me. I'm slowly trying to figure out how to approach him. Though he's hard to talk to. Every time I try and just casually chat with him, he just doesn't seem to want to talk. I don't know.
    Everything's OK between me and my best friend. We worked our differences out last night, because that's what friends do :)
    I know it's hard, but just try to bear with him. Guys sometimes need their time off,too. I know what you mean by saying that one can't just fall in and out of love. It's not a hole. (Well, you can't fall out of a hole anyway, adding to the point.)

    And you're right, I am missing that special feeling, like I'm the only girl in the world(just like Rihanna sang). I'm sure he's out there, ready to swoop me off my feet when I find him.
    Thank you once again and I wish you all the best:)
    January 7th, 2011 at 02:17pm
  • xBecomingxNumbx

    xBecomingxNumbx (100)

    United States
    I feel the same way. My boyfriend of over a year and a half broke up with me on the 28th after he got home from France visiting his sister with his parents for a week. He'd been acting weird for 2 weeks and I couldn't talk to him the whole week he was visiting his sister and I knew the break up was coming so I tried to prepare myself for it. But nothing could ever prepare me for him breaking my heart. He said he still loves me but he isn't in love with me anymore. Personally, I don't think you can truely fall out of love. You either are, or you never were and I don't doubt that he was. He said so many sweet things and we both dreamed and talked about a future together and he said he meant it all. so, like you, I'm lonely, heartbroken and asking questions like WHY? It's only been 4 days since he and I last spoke but it feels like forever. (cliche I know but there is truth in every cliche). He said that we are just on a break and he felt trapped in the relationship. I'm a hopeless romantic too, and I'm just hoping that with some time he won't feel trapped and will realize that he misses me and still loves me like I love him.
    As for dreams, they are a powerful thing that we cannot control. Sometimes I believe that they mean something, and sometimes they don't. Oddly enough though, I have a lot of dreams that happen exactly as I dream them. I actually had a dream while my boyfriend was in France that he broke up with me and he did </3. Giving him space is hard but I'm trying to fight every urge I have to talk to him. He was my boyfriend, my escape, and my best friend. I'm hoping that he and I will be back to the way we were soon.
    Well, this turned into quite a rant of emotions for me! Anyway, as for the boy in class you had a dream about, take a chance and get to know him! You never know what could happen. You'll get that chance to meet 'your angel' you may already know him, the chance could be right in front of your eyes right now but it is up to you and only you whether or not you take it. That's good that the long break did you well. Now you'll be more aware of what you want in a relationship and the struggles that come along with it. Your best friend, perhaps her phone was dead or something. Try and talk to her again, I'm sure things will be fine. I don't want to eat either, I'm so nauseous, sad, lonely, empty, heartbroken, etc that eating disturbs me. Perhaps what your missing is that feeling every girl wants, that special guy who can make her feel loved, wanted, appreciated, and like she is the most beautiful girl in the world. Don't wear your heart on your sleeve but go out and take a chance on love again, I can't promise that it'll work out exactly the way you want it, but I can promise that you'll never know if you don't try.
    January 3rd, 2011 at 12:28am