Advice, help?? - Comments

  • Nanner.

    Nanner. (150)

    Parents and kids always fight, it completely normal. It may have been a bad time but it's not your last chance to tell your mom you love her. She's the only one you'll ever get so take advantage of that.

    I don't know the relationship status between you and your dad but for whatever reason you're upset with him, there must be a solid reason. He should expect that as well if you're not writing him anymore. Like I said, I don't know the situation but I try my hardest to live by the saying, Forgive and Forget.

    Try to support and be there for your friend who is going through a tough time. The ones who don't stick by you obviously weren't true friends and aren't worth your time and effort right now, especially if you're so stressed about all of this.

    As for your surgery, you have to hope and pray for the best. I honestly hope that it works out for you and goes well. <3

    Just remember to breathe.
    January 6th, 2011 at 04:47am
  • Forgotten;

    Forgotten; (150)

    I feel really soory for you but I don't know what to say,
    Dad issue - Tell him why you didn't write, if he asks. If not, then I wouldn't bring it up.
    Friends Issue - Maybe try to make some more friends that you could fit in with ? I've been in that situation many times before and I know how much it totally sucks :(
    For the rest, I don't know what to say
    When the going gets tough, get tougher ?
    Stay on the positive side, no matter how good it feels to give into the dark. It won't feel good for long. Once you make a choice there will always me a consequence, if it's good or bad, there will always be a consequence.
    January 6th, 2011 at 04:41am