Avenged Sevenfold and Some Questionss. - Comments

  • EffieXSteffie

    EffieXSteffie (300)

    1. Read what? Your stories? I don't know maybe...
    2. Maybe... depends on how it all seems to flow together.
    3. Eh... only one, but it isn't Avenged, it's Papa Roach and it's a one-shot: http://stories.mibba.com/read/348051/Life-Goes-On/
    4. I love all of them, but M. Shadows and Jimmy were always like a bit above. Although I currently have an addiction towards Zacky. I always come back to Matt though >.<
    5. I once got out of bed wanting to pee, but my legs got tangled up in the sheets and I fell face first on the floor. I couldn't stop laughing and groaning at myself.
    January 8th, 2011 at 06:57am