...Where was I when we decided on all these text speak abbreviations? - Comments

  • katelynnjosee

    katelynnjosee (100)

    My translations:
    smh = Sell My Hair (I'LL GLADLY BUY IT!)
    ftw = F*** the World (Really funny if you interpret it like that.. I thought the world had suddenly slipped depression pills in the water system).
    That's all I got right now.

    1. I am definitely lol. I cannot think of "lol" as "l" "o" and "l" as letters.. It just, doesn't make sense!
    2. No idea. I leave the page/delete the text as soon as i get it with crazy chatspeak - my friends know not to try it with me.
    3. No. I don't believe they do. Call me biased; my brother is becoming disgustingly vocal with his chatspeak, I'm ready to strangle him until he can complete a @&%$*n word (and we were worried about people finishing SENTENCES, now we're going so far as to finish WORDS, what's next?! Letters?! We'll be doin' beat-box to tell people how pissed we are. BEEP BO BEEEPPEDIPOBO. YOOs.
    January 13th, 2011 at 06:05am
  • linanamistar

    linanamistar (100)

    United States
    1. It took me a long while too. I didn't know such language existed. I'm still learning.
    2. I don't know. My friends know that I don't get complicated texts, so they use English words to me. I only use lol. That's the only thing I abbreviate because it's so common.
    3. Depends. There are very rare children who are ten and are responsible not to give too much information on social network sites. That's why there's such a thing as kidnappings and such. Never too sure what to do with such a case. I guess it's all right to have an adult to watch what they do and all. But then again, there is always a way a child can be able to escape their parents' watchful eye. Such devious kids, I tell you.
    January 13th, 2011 at 05:32am
  • tvy michele

    tvy michele (100)

    United States
    That one is definatly the longest most ridiculous one I've seen
    January 13th, 2011 at 05:27am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    1. O_O I always typed Lol, and it has to be pretty darn funny for "LMFAO" or "LMAO" it took me forever to realize what "rotfl" was...I thought it was a word.

    2. Oh man dont even get me started.

    3. I don't think you should have cellphone till your 14 I didn't get one till I was 16...but I think 14 is an appropriate age for a cellphone if your parents arent already struggling with money...
    January 13th, 2011 at 05:25am
  • Hannahdoll

    Hannahdoll (100)

    United States
    1. I don't separate the letters, and I've never seen anyone I know do that either.

    2. Ugh, it makes me loose brain cells every time, and also, when you're arguing with someone, it makes you sound even less intelligent. Now, I do use fml, abt and stuff like that, but only when I'm texting. It's hard to fit everything you want to say in 160 characters.

    3. I was fourteen before I got a cell phone, so no, I really don't think so. I know a five year old who got the newest i-pod. I know when I was five, I was breaking heads off Barbie dolls and playing with Matchbox cars in the dirt.
    I was ten when I first got msn messenger and yahoo, but mom was always there looking over my shoulder.
    January 13th, 2011 at 05:18am
  • crutal

    crutal (100)

    United States
    1. I always say "l o l" instead of actually laughing. Gives the place a mood. >__>
    2. Oh God. Don't get me started.
    3. Kids under 10 shouldn't be on social networks or have cellphones until they're at least 12. :P
    January 13th, 2011 at 05:12am