Something About Abortion. - Comments

  • Even aside from the protesters and the woman making the choice--I remember in sixth grade--we were ELEVEN--we did a project for which presidential candidate we supported. I was pro-life at the time, but I agreed with Al Gore on the majority of the issues (this was the 2000 election), so I did a campaign poster for him.

    There was a group of kids in my grade who refused to call me by my name for WEEKS--instead they called me "baby-killer," not because I even was pro-choice, because I wasn't at the time, but because I dared to support a candidate who was for completely different reasons. We were ELEVEN. It's just ridiculous.
    January 17th, 2011 at 07:56am
  • Those protesters you speak about don't seem to understand that there is so much more to the story than a woman getting an abortion. If they honestly want abortion to go away, they need to stop thinking its all about them and their opinions. Its selfish to basically "stone" a woman who is in that much turmoil. Calling a woman a baby killer will not end abortion, but trying to reach out to that woman and show her the support she needs to get through this will.
    January 17th, 2011 at 07:50am
  • I've pro-choice because it's not up to me what another woman does with her body. People who point fingers tend to not know particular situations. I had a friend who got raped and got pregnant and people think she should have to carry the baby to term no matter her wants. (She actually was going to keep the baby but ended up miscarrying.)
    January 17th, 2011 at 07:28am
  • I will never say someone is wrong for being against abortion, nor will I say someone is wrong for having one. I believe it is a choice, but I understand it's a choice not everyone agrees with.

    I do agree with you on the issue of people making a woman feel bad for making that choice. The protesters screaming, "Baby-killer! Murderer!" have no idea why this woman is making that choice, and it probably isn't an easy one. It's a choice that hurts. This woman wouldn't be doing this if she didn't feel it was her only option. Why make it hurt more? It makes me sad, and it makes me sick.
    January 17th, 2011 at 07:26am