It's Over. - Comments

  • Satanic_Sanity

    Satanic_Sanity (100)

    Only if you could understand...

    It was for the better... She's keeping him safe. She's having so much trouble, the loyalty on defending everybody she loves... She's so strong... Yet so gentle at the same time. A heart of steel, and a heart of gold, I would never break it.

    The guy feels like crap too. (rap without the "c") but he understands.... He understands why. He told me to say: "I don't believe it, but I saw it coming. The conflict that happens in her life.... I could never take it. She's stronger than me, stronger than anybody I've ever known, yet she's savory and sweet, like chocolate. Sure it was a bit of a bomb that went off, but sometimes loving somebody is letting them go do what they have to do. I hope for her future, to be brighter than the brightest gleaming star in the galaxy. The sun could be no match for her light, and she still sends this aura of happiness towards everybody, her friends, that crowd around her. Everybody loves her.... And I am proud to say, that I love her too."
    January 21st, 2011 at 02:55am
  • AmorarEsDeVivir

    AmorarEsDeVivir (100)

    United States
    Honestly, you might just need some space from him for a little while. When I was 17 I dated a guy for 3 months, and it went really fast and we jumped on the "love" train--in retrospect, probably very prematurely, we were young and naive--but we tried to stay friends right away, and every time I talked to him it just tore me up. Give yourself time to move on. For some people, and I'm one of them, you need to kind of go backwards and separate yourself from the other person and kind of start fresh to form that completely different type of relationship, you know what I mean?
    January 20th, 2011 at 08:53am