Going Vegetarian - Comments

  • MissNothing

    MissNothing (100)

    Yeah, I know all the vitamins and all that stuff.
    I got really informed before deciding to do this. =)
    Thanx, anyways.
    -Party poison-
    Heyz, there are more types of vegetarian people.
    There's these ones that are really vegetarians-they don;t eat any kind of meat.
    There's those that don't eat meat but eat dairy and there's those who eat only chicken and fish. :)
    -for the others-
    I really appreciate for the comments, you're true inspiration.
    I admire you for deciding to become vegetarians. :)
    That makes me wanna do it even more. =D
    January 23rd, 2011 at 05:20pm
  • QueenBedhead

    QueenBedhead (100)

    United States
    I honestly love meat to much to go vegetarian, but if you've BEEN eating meat for the past 14 years (more or less), make sure you do not quit, cold turkey. (Haha. Pun)

    By that, I mean you slowly need to ease into it; if you just switch from meat to no meat, your body will shut down (it won't know what the heck to do with itself), and it won't be good.

    Me suggests you go to you doctor, tell him/her, and ask what you need to do to make sure you 'switch' correctly, and your body doesn't get shocked from the sudden change in diet, and get the right vitamins/whatever, to supplement for what you'd normally get from meat. Protein, for instance. I know there's others, but I'm not a doctor, so yeah.
    January 23rd, 2011 at 05:04pm
  • fascination.

    fascination. (100)

    United States
    it's a great idea :) I've been a vegetarian for a year and two months
    at first the taste is hard to not have for a while,
    so what I suggest is to use Morning Star products, it's all made with soy and things lke that. It actually tastes a lot like meat
    you have to make sure you eat a lot of protein though, or it's not good.
    I suggest peanut butter, it has loads of protein in it.
    i highly suggest doing it. it's great for your health, and think of the anmals you save :)
    January 23rd, 2011 at 04:42pm
  • party p o i s o n

    party p o i s o n (100)

    United Kingdom
    I'm desperate to be a vegetarian but there is this south african meat that I am in love with because it reminds me of home, but if I was vegetarian I couldn't have it :(
    But a girl told me she was vegetarian ... but didnt consider chicken as a meat?
    So it's all a bit weird to me..
    Good luck with it all, it will make you feel a lot better and it's meant to be super rewarding :]
    January 23rd, 2011 at 04:13pm
  • Tongue

    Tongue (100)

    United States
    :D I started last year in this month too. First couple 3 month was hard but you gotta stick with this. Since your still very young teen you will hear a lot of BS that you need protein and crap... There's solutions for that too. Just find 3 good reasons why to become a vegetarian and stick by them :) It's a great choice.
    January 23rd, 2011 at 02:09pm