I wonder what would happen if I die or if I would have never been born? Questions. - Comments

  • 1. If I were to die, my mom would probably be put in an insane asylum...no doubt about that. My dad would probably die with me. My friends would be sad, but carry on. My school would cheer, (except the teachers).

    2. My mom would never have married my dad...after all I was the cause of it. My cat wouldbe ded in the streets...after all i saved her. Umm....less drama? :P

    3. Read mine <3 ;)

    4. Nothing. Just a deep, dark abyss that swallows even time itself.

    LordGaGaMonster XOX
    January 24th, 2011 at 07:30pm
  • 1)My friends used to joke about having a party. Those people aren't my friends anymore. I hope people would be sad, otherwise I meant nothing.
    2)I don't know.
    3)You can read anything of mine, if that's what you're asking.
    4)Something good and bright and warm.
    January 24th, 2011 at 07:25pm
  • 1) Pfff... tears. Many tears and screaming. If my funeral isn't exactly how I want it, I'm coming back out of my coffin and telling everybody off... or I'll hunt them down in my next life and tell them off. >:\

    2) ...er... My parents would have split anyway, and my mother would be very lonely? I'm not sure...

    3) ..."The life and times of a pretend vampire", "Friends with benefits" or something by Author.

    4) Nothing. The universe is everything, and if/when it ends, a new one shall take its place.
    January 24th, 2011 at 07:09pm
  • o1. My mother would go completely insane. I can't really think past that. I know my friends would have been sad.
    o2. My mom wouldn't have married my dad and probably would have married the other guy she loved in high school. My brothers and sisters wouldn't have been born because I'm the oldest. My mom and stepdad never would have met because they met through my dad's work. It would be chaos.
    o3. I don't really know what you like.
    o4. Well, the universe encompasses everything so there's nothing beyond everything.
    January 24th, 2011 at 07:03pm