Nothing's Gonna Change. - Comments

  • user4536213

    user4536213 (100)

    United States
    Now i'm going to say first of all that I AM one of those 97% percent selfish bitches. I regonize that I do think about me a lot and I absolutely hate it. I too feel like an observer sometimes that is wired different then everyone else because I can actually see all this backstabbing and hurt its just surreal at times... Yea its just nice knowing im not insane in the head haha
    January 27th, 2011 at 01:20am
  • homicidalegg

    homicidalegg (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I know how you feel, being an 'observer' myself, and what I have learned is that humans are mere animals. And we're simply in the category of species which are naturally violent - the only difference between us and, say, bears, is that we attempt to justify killing and harming beyond 'hunting for food' or 'protecting our lives'. We can make up as much bullshit about religion or land as we want, but even if we didn't, violence would still occur.

    I, personally, believe that people are fueled by hatred and bitterness. It is why most people take such pleasure in gossiping, spreading rumours or finding a certain individual/group to hate unabashedly. And this hatred and bitterness is, really, simply yet another source of violence. I am no different. You are no different. It's just that some of the more compassionate people try to suppress these urges and some succeed, and end up being lovely, self-sacrificing, calm, beautiful people.

    It's a difficult road to take, going against your nature and what society tells you is the right thing to do, a path which I am still struggling to follow. But follow it I shall, as a pacifist, as someone who tries to prevail against hate and prejudice and greed and all that jazz.

    Ahaha excuse the tangent I seem to have veered off to.
    January 27th, 2011 at 12:34am