Song of the Day: 01. 27.11 - Comments

  • Commiserate

    Commiserate (105)

    United States
    1) I'm pretty much in the same boat as you with the whole "wanting to be a teen in the 90's" situation. I turned 8 at the turn of the millennium, so I was insanely young. My brother is 10 years older than me, born in '82, and I am SO completely jealous that he got to live through Nirvana, Green Day, and all those other awesome bands. And especially jealous he went to Woodstock '99 and got to see Offspring, Limp Bizkit and all those other totally awesome 90's bands *spazz*

    2) The first song I distinctly remembering my brother playing for me was MMMBop by Hanson. xD Back then I was also a huge Backstreet Boys fan. You didn't mess with Nick Carter around me - I'd go ape-nuts on you. I was also a huge Kid Rock fan too! I remember in the 4th Grade we did a "newspaper" assignment where we basically interviewed ourselves, and I put "Cowboy" by Kid Rock as my favorite song - the teacher thought I was nuts; I think they even had a parent-teacher conference.

    NOW, however, I have an insanely different fan-base from the nineties. Like I said, my brother lived through the 90's; he also has influenced my music tastes GREATLY - almost EVERYTHING I listen to is literally from '88-'98, no joke. Blink 182, Offspring, Nirvana, old school Green Day, Pearl Jam, anything skate-punk, anything grunge, anything 90's alternative - I love it all. I don't listen to 90's pop as much because I'm so much more of a Rock girl now, but it's still nice to reminisce, haha.

    3) I love them! (As always!!) Sweet Child of Mine is an excellent song - I really don't know anyone who hates it, though there probably are people. Its just such a classic song, as well as Kid Rock! I wanna hear what you think about Green Day now :P
    January 30th, 2011 at 05:47am