Song of the Day: 02.02.11 - Comments

  • Commiserate

    Commiserate (105)

    United States
    WOAH HOLY SHNIKIES. Train sings this??? I had no idea. I loved this song when I was little too!! Another one I loved was Follow Me by Uncle Kracker. That song just makes me go back to sitting in the car riding home from elementary school. :3

    A lot of memories of mine are connected to music. Even though I'm not a huge country music fan (now) when I moved to where I live now in the 7th grade they played Kenny Chesney's "When the Sun Goes Down" on the radio station near my house practically on repeat, so that song reminds me of the summer I moved here. And then Blink 182's "Reckless Abandon" reminds me of the summer after my Sophomore year - me and my friends swore we were going to make it crazy, so that song just stuck along with it.

    Love it, as always m'dear. :)
    February 5th, 2011 at 03:37am