I just need to rant. - Comments

  • Lolli Eyes

    Lolli Eyes (100)

    United States
    i'm gonna add to what my brother said (comment below)

    The way you look:
    lmfao actually your special looking as he says, you can just honestly choose who you want to be , because if you look like a male and female at times , you just choose if you want to be female or male . i mean as you can see many girls get surgery and do crap just to become male , when honestly you don;t have to do any of that i guess , so its pretty sweet to choose your gender :3

    the way you you sound:
    lmfao every one hates thier voices o.e , yeaup , you can see that when some one says "my voice is to high and its just horrible" well honestly i believe no voice is horrible . but same time i haven't heard your voice so o__o i can't really help on that , but i bet its pwetty ful :3

    the way you act:
    okay every one is bitchy to thier friends at times , and honestly if they leave you alone , then they were really the ones who care in the begging , i honestly think in your life , thier will be new people who will actually be thier for you , and wouldn't leave you no matter what crap you put them through. <3 thats true friend ship bond , i guess you just gotta keep your tiny eyes out .__.
    February 15th, 2011 at 03:47pm
  • Zombies Of HyRule

    Zombies Of HyRule (100)

    United States
    The way you look:
    actually i realy think your good looking yourself . now i know its horrible not to gain weight , i honestly try myself but as me i only weight 99 pounds :/ , i guess you can say , that your special looking , because even if you look like a male or female , your different and you have the gift to just choose what you want to look like

    the way you sound: i honestly can't say anything since i haven't really heard your voice , but as you can see every one hates thier voices when actually they're very good , like those guys who say thier voice is cracky when not even true , but i can't really say anything about that

    the way you act:
    i honestly think every one acts that way , dear.
    i mean the people who leave weren;t really the ones who care in the begging
    you just haven't found the right people who will actually care about you anf help you through this things. i mean honestly every one at least doesn't want to be alone , it sucks hardcore , you just gotta find the right people , and when you do , they'll actually see why you bitch at them and still want to be thier for you <3
    February 15th, 2011 at 04:43am
  • Tears on Paper

    Tears on Paper (100)

    United States
    I know the feeling of hating yourself. And I know it is hard to overcome. But I have done it and I know you can too. It takes change and determination. You have to want it more than anything. You have to be resolute, it mite take hitting the bottom first, but I know you can do it. If you need anything just ask me, but I am still changeing myself.
    February 6th, 2011 at 01:17pm
  • RAWR its Zombies

    RAWR its Zombies (100)

    United States
    you shouldn't hate the way you look
    its amazing how you look to be honest :]

    hey at least your not trangender like me
    you know what i mean

    a dude with boobs but a penis


    i bet your voice will be purdy full
    February 6th, 2011 at 08:04am
  • MayTheForceBeWithYou

    MayTheForceBeWithYou (100)

    United States
    *As this sounds
    February 5th, 2011 at 04:55pm
  • MayTheForceBeWithYou

    MayTheForceBeWithYou (100)

    United States
    dont hate yourself !
    cliche as this thats the outside people like you for the inside
    im sure awesome ! :]
    February 5th, 2011 at 04:55pm