I can't think about what i'm thinking. - Comments

  • florence

    florence (1000)

    United States
    Try to focus on only the things that are happening around you. All the other stuff doesn't even matter. And your thoughts only make up a tiny part of your brain; they are essentially useless. Try to feel the parts of your body that are useful to you right now, like your breathing. One single breath is a meditation. If you can truly live within one breath, then the noise of your mind will open up to the silence.

    Instead of trying to fight off your thoughts (what you resist always persists), try accepting them for what they are. They're just thoughts. They shouldn't be affecting your body, and if they are, then try to realize that this connection is one based off of false alarms.

    Another way to silence your thinking is to truly see things, to truly feel them. Without labeling them. A chair is not a chair, it is simply called a chair. Try to see what it really is, to feel its presence and aliveness. Then move on to other things. Living within your surrounding, without judging them with your mind, works wonders on silencing your thought-life.
    February 6th, 2011 at 03:05am