Give plot idea's about mermaid story? - Comments

  • Why don't you do what Stephenie Meyer did and change the view of mermaids, like she did with vampires?

    What a bitch she is for doing that, by the way.
    February 6th, 2011 at 08:27pm
  • hmm, well I think it's a good idea to get a mermaid story out there :)
    those usually are pretty good and popular. now for ideas, I'm not sure. these will probabaly suck, but maybe it'll spark your inspiration?
    1. the mermaid is longing to be out of the water- because she thinks that humans are fascinated. she somehow ends up on land- and realizes she can have legs for a certain time of the day/ certain amount of time/ certain time of the year. she finds frends/ a boyfriend/ something along those lines
    2. the mermaid finds some secret portal thing in the ocean, she gets curious and goes through. she figures out that there a whole new part of the ocean that is totally new to her. or it leads her to the human world or something like that
    3. there is a girl, just a normal human girl who lives along a beach. one day she finds a mermaid, and she gets curious. she continues to go back until she sees it again. she starts to become friends with her and figures out more and more about them (then she can figure out maybe that she is also a mermaid- but she has never known because you must be a certain age that is older than her to find out)

    so they kinda suck, but maybe they can help a little? :)
    February 6th, 2011 at 08:20pm