Sexuality - Comments

  • Going with what Demented Damnation said, the Bible was written by human prophets. They probably included their opinions, as well as what the may have been told by God, if that even happened.
    I personally don't believe in God.
    February 12th, 2011 at 12:34am
  • As you get older, things will become increasingly more tolerable and you won't have to deal with the bigotry you're currently undergoing. Hang in there and remember, "Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." If someone is belittling you and making it seem you're disgusting because you love someone of your anatomy, then that person isn't fit to be in your life.
    February 11th, 2011 at 06:55pm
  • It's not a big deal. People shouldn't hate you because you love another sex, too.

    I'm sorry :\
    February 11th, 2011 at 06:43pm
  • I agree with how they treat, bi-sexuals, and pansexuals is completely and utterly wrong. However, I know it sucks but I don't see the world changing anytime soon. Tell them to shut the eff up and move on with life. I may seem brutal and mean maybe even I seem like a b*tch but I'm tired of all the fighting and its all becoming a little too much for me. I'm bisexual and it is so hated upon in my town that I carry a gun. Yeah you heard me, A GUN. All of it has gotten so bad that one of the gay prostitutes was murdered, for being gay not because he was selling out sexual favors. I hate that it happens but I am a lot more worried with day to day survival.

    I hear a lot about gays committing suicide, my question is, why are they so weak minded to let their words get to them like that?!

    Their words mean nothing, and as far as I can see LOVE is no sin. As for whats written in the bible, screw the bible, I don't care if I'm struck down I really down. However, the bible was written over the span of thousands and thousands of YEARS and THEN it was TRANSLATED from Hebrew. Are you telling me that nothing was mistranslated?!

    I'm sorry I ranted in your journal. If I offender anyone that was not my intentions. I am truly sorry.
    February 11th, 2011 at 06:39pm
  • I'm sorry people are being stupid about your sexuality :(
    that's not fair to you, and it's honestly jsut stupid
    hang in there, there are good people in teh world who will accept you the way you are, and those are the people you are going to want in your life
    I, for one, will like you whether you are homosexual, straight, or bixsexual
    doesn't bother me at all. I judge by personalities only :)
    February 11th, 2011 at 06:38pm