Another little girl with daddy issues - Comments

  • Well it depends on how the situation is actually going down. Being in your position it could make you feel like your being alienated and 100% the victim. But you have to take in to consideration everyone elses feelings and such too. As the dad he wants you and the other people he loves to interact perfectly and see all the positives about each other that he sees in each of you.

    You also have to know that people even parents don't stay the same. I've for the most part always lived with my parents but they have never been the exact same people they where when I was 6 to when I was 10 to 14 to now. We use to do a lot of things that I miss but it doesn't mean when I need them really need them that they are going to be any less parents than they where when I was 6 10 14 or now.

    The important thing is that if your father is changing you too must adapt to fit with him. From the way he still talks one on one with you he is there when it counts. Most likely he feels good about where he's at right now in life and who he is. Underneath he's still your dad but find new things about him to enjoy and hold dear. After all as you grew he had to find new things as well for example peek-a-boo wasn't going to be cool forever but his memories are probably great.

    You also can't forget your still his baby girl, no matter if he lives with the other two they can't beat the connection he has with you because your his daughter. You share his blood and you're who he watched grow up day after day in to the person you are. He never had that with the other two he loves them but not like you it just can never be like that with them.

    The first thing I would do each visit is set up at least one day where it's you and him one on one all day but also set up another day where you him and everyone else does something that they usually like. SO you and your dad can have your thing but he can also feel like he's effectively included you in with his wife and step kids.

    It also wouldn't be a bad idea to try and get close to those girls too so when your all together it can feel more tight knit. You already have the advantage by being older which means they already look up to you a bit.
    March 8th, 2011 at 06:32pm
  • Thats when your dad needs to make the ultimatum. I know it sounds harsh but you should be his first and foremost priority. You should be on his mind all the time, yeah he deserves to have a wife but one who is considerate of you and how the divorce is effecting you. I'd make my dad make that decision but my step mom is pregnant.


    You can sit you dad down and tell him not to say a word, then tell him how you feel about how he is acting. Tell him its not fair that he only takes into consideration what Juliett wants to do. Thats not right and if he doesn't set some time aside for you since you two live so far apart then he might as well not come to see you at all because all he is gonna do is worry about what she want.

    I hope I helped, in my family we're just open about everything. If we don't like someone, you'll know because it'll be the first thing out of my mouth. Yeah, we argue a lot but we're the closest closeknit family there is I think. So you don't have to take my advice because its kinda harsh but thats how I'd go about it.
    March 8th, 2011 at 01:58pm
  • I'm sorry to hear that this has happened to you, I wish I could give you some advice but really what can I say?

    You know your Dad loves you but I guess he's started a new chapter in his life, of course he wants you in it but I guess now there are all these new characters he loves and has to adapt to aswell.

    I'm sure when he find's a healthy balance thing's will start looking up for you.
    March 8th, 2011 at 10:25am