Our Own Little Worlds - thought of today. - Comments

  • CivilAnimosity

    CivilAnimosity (100)

    United States
    I'm the same way as you Madison. I like to sit in, read and write on the weekend, watch movies with my family, but like you pointed out: I like to go out too.

    Personally, we've been watching the news all weekend, and it's terrifying and just unbelievable what those people are going through! 3 natural disasters in less than a week: an Earthquake, a tsunami and now a volcano. I could not imagine going through something like that or knowing someone in Japan.

    If I had the time and the money, I would go help, honestly. I'm sure a lot of us would if we could, but what are we supposed to do? Drop everything and travel around the world to assist? I would love to, but there's only so much a 16-year-old can do.

    But I'd also like to point that you said: Or will our generation just be known as the self centered and shallow?

    Which generation ISN'T shallow and self-center and totally effed up? Listen to the song Start The Fire by Billy Joel, every generation of people are the same, just have different technology and are at different times.

    Good journal.
    March 14th, 2011 at 03:56am