Did you hear the good news? - Comments

  • Samantha Michelle

    Samantha Michelle (100)

    United States
    He sounds like he is interested in you dear. It seems like the fact that you actually had the balls to put everything out in the open and try to make something of it. I think the wink is a good sign, guys don't wink for any apparent reason. Next time you see him suggest a movie with a few friends. Heehee, that is something I think of as an ice breaker then when you get comfortable with each other you can start doing things solo but don't try to run before you walk. Best of luck! ")
    March 14th, 2011 at 10:21am
  • spacejunkie

    spacejunkie (100)

    I think that's good news. I also think it's a sensible reply on his part- it means he's interested (otherwise he would have been frank in saying no- he sounds polite enough to be that respectful), but also that he would like to know you better before committing to anything. I guess that also means that while he thinks you're hot on the surface, he isn't a shallow guy, and wants to know what else you have in common.

    I think the wink is also a good sign- if anything, that's there deliberately to cue you on to the fact that he is keen to take this further.

    Maybe the next time you see each other, you should propose going out to do something social- either as a pair, or, if you're shy, as a group, if you have friends in common.
    March 14th, 2011 at 09:17am