What the hell is a hipster? (and other questions) - Comments

  • From what I'm seeing from school (I'm a senior, and all of the underclassmen, most definitely the freshman and sophomores here are totally going through each of these stages):

    Hipsters are nerds from the 80's minus the mullets. They wear dark skinny jeans with the thread showing, wear huge framed glasses, huge nike/osiris sneakers with skinny jeans, and wear those dumb looking ball caps half off their heads. It's like kenny mccormick said, Homosexual + 80's Nerd + Previous EMO = Totally Straight Hipster.

    Indie emos say they love music, but mostly focus on classics, they have a more vintage punk look rather than the new chains/black/tripp pants. It's basically like the 60's and 70's and the Earlys 2000's emo popped out a love child.

    Scene kids have stupid looking modern mullets, the business is on the top and the party is the layer on the bottom instead of business in the front party in the back. Scene kids wear way too much eyeliner, usually dark dark black around their whole eye with a crappy looking cat eye on the ends. The girls most often have a monroe piercing, or two. They wear bright colours because they want people to know that they're emo. And usually they have fake emotions and think they are hott stuff.

    Emo kids are emo kids. They wear black chained up tripp pants, and black eyeliner but usally it's without a cat eye and most often just lining the whole eye. Most emos like the illusion that they are vampiric and so they are very pale with dark straightened hair. They speak very cryptically and usually talk about how sucky their lives are. So basically take the 12-13 hormonal stage of a preteen and put it in black and give it a hair straightener and you have an emo.

    This is just what I've seen in school. And this is just the "Stereotypical" Stereotype if that makes sense. I know people from each "stage" who are really great people and just want to look "In" but for the majority, the stereotypes only converse with other people within their own stereotype.
    March 21st, 2011 at 03:19am
  • From what I understand:

    Emo would be the kids that wear the dark clothing but no chains or anything yet. They smoke (from what I've seen) and spend most of their time whining about how awful their lives are. I've done it, so I'm not trying to rag on anyone. Just saying what I've observed in my short time as an 'emo'. xD Their eyeliner is minimal but there's still more than normal people and generally doesn't have any flair to it. It's just eyeliner. Their hair is usually straight and black, most often flat-ironed.

    Scene is when you go out dressed like a rainbow threw up on you. Scene kids have extremely layered hair cuts, extensions, bows, cute accessories, a million piercings. They do coontails where you dye a section of your hair blonde and then dye black stripes horizontally through it to look like a raccoon tail. Hence the name. They love glitter, they love concerts for people who sing only about sex (brokeNCYDE, Blood on the Dance Floor, etc.) and wear a ton of eyeliner with cat eye-effect or similar flairs. They're basically what an emo kid and a gay guy would look like if they got together, I guess.

    Indie is the new emo. (From what I understand.) They pride themselves on owning vinyl record players and old music, like the legends of the 60's and 70's. They shop vintage and pretend to know more about the world than they do. They don't seem to have any props or makeup that defines them, as far as I've seen. Indie kids generally stick to the old stuff like headphones instead of earbuds, CD players instead of iPods, and like I said, vinyl instead of CDs. I'm in the indie stage right now although I still cling to old scene ways. xD I've got a vinyl record player but it's my dad's so I didn't go out and buy it specifically for that. Although I did find a NeverShoutNever! vinyl disc and I totally want it.~

    Hipsters are, I think, modern-day hippies. Vegetarians, ecological, all that shit. Like someone else said, they wear nerd glasses and do stuff people used to think was dorky that now is apparently cute as long as said hipster child has a good haircut and healthy levels of testosterone. Assuming they're a guy. xD If it's a girl...well, I haven't seen many female hipsters. ._.

    I'm pretty sure that's right. I've spent a lot of time researching labels. @__@
    March 21st, 2011 at 02:39am
  • I think if people understood it, then there would be no point to the types anymore...part of it is the mystery and the hype. Once it goes mainstream, then those types are invalid and new ones get made up.
    You have a radio show? That's cool :D
    March 21st, 2011 at 01:53am
  • Well, here's how I think of it:

    Emo - Usually unhappy. Fakes emotions. Red and black clothing. May cut. Doesn't care much about anything anymore.

    Scene - Sometimes happy. Sometimes fakes emotions. Cares a lot about their appearance. May wear a LOT of bright colors. Likes to get noticed.

    Indie - Loves music. I kinda think of them as the modern flower power children. :)

    Hipster - kinda a mixture of all. HATES IT WHEN THEIR THING GETS FOUND OUT. Or they like/do stuff for the "comic, ironic" effect. Wear "nerd" glasses. (How these glasses are "nerd" glasses, I have no idea, I've always thought of them as hipster glasses...)

    Anyway, I don't actually know if this is right... at all.... It's just what I think of... Gah. xD
    March 21st, 2011 at 01:48am
  • They are someone who is way cooler than me, who wears cool shades, man.

    Err. I honestly have no idea. :3 I don't even keep up with all of the different types of "emo" anymore. I have no idea what indie is, either. o,,o;

    [edit] http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=hipster

    Oh, urbandictionary. How I love thee. <3
    March 21st, 2011 at 01:27am
  • F*ck if I know.
    I don't understand it either.
    March 21st, 2011 at 01:26am