"...Is this fooling anyone else? Never worked so long and hard to cement to failure" READ - Comments

  • Kookiezz

    Kookiezz (100)

    United States
    1: I have no idea, i hate when parents wanna choose the path you take for you. Hey, isn't part of America's freedom right's choosing your own path? Apprently not..
    2: "blah blah blah love blah blah blah him blah blah blah i love him"
    you: OMG MY MOMS MAD!!
    her: I don't hear anything through the phone
    you: Really cuz she's yelling so hard... omg i half to go... my mouth hurts anyway.
    her: ...oh... ok i'll text you all the details.
    you: uh uh... my phones almost out of batteries and i need it for my other friend's, it's important she's having an actual crisis... i hope you understand.
    her: ...uh its ok... you better go before you get in trouble
    you: Ok thanks *ow my tooth* there it goes again, oh and mom is coming up, oh great. cya *insert person here* ... [closes phone]
    :) old trick, does it work? it might? Who knows until you try right? If she's texting you don't text back- if she ask's later tell her your phone got taken away?
    March 24th, 2011 at 02:26am