scars. - Comments

  • Wow. I'm dealing with exactly the same thing. EXACTLY. I might print this out to show my therapist, if that's ok, because it explains why I do it, and why it makes me feel better in I way that I've yet been able to.
    March 25th, 2011 at 12:22am
  • <3
    March 24th, 2011 at 11:52pm
  • 40,000 + people and more feel the exact same way. The only difference is they hide it, and you have the gut's to show it, well done.
    Though i would never do that... i'm too much of a wuss is he biggest reason- if i get a papercut it i try not to cry :I
    but anyway, i'm certainly not going to judge you. I would give you a weird look- wondering where those scars came from of coarse- but if i knew what they where- honestly... Who would be surprised? In ten years every person alive will be hiding scars behind sleeves. tsk tsk. What happened to the world anymore? You know, when 11 year old children didn't scream "LOL P*N*SS" out of no where :I what happened to the maturity? The self control? People who aren't freaking holding guns to their heads, going crazy, looking at p*rn on the computer and then go to school and declare themselves perverted and such. what happened to the word gay meaning happy and not mening you like the same sex :I i'm desturbed by this atleast once a week, sigh.
    Good job to you though, you're the only person among a lot of people who cut and actually have the guts to show it...
    March 24th, 2011 at 11:40pm