Family; Gotta love them even when you feel like you hate them. - Comments

  • FreyaBalance.

    FreyaBalance. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    She is isn't she? xD
    March 26th, 2011 at 03:26pm
  • zayn malik;

    zayn malik; (100)

    United States
    And I agree with TxSutty, You are extremely pretty
    March 26th, 2011 at 03:21pm
  • zayn malik;

    zayn malik; (100)

    United States
    I am so sorry that you are compared to your cousins and your brother. It's not fair and it shouldn't be done. If I were you, and they did something like this again, I would say "Look, I tried my hardest and I think I did well. So, would you please so comparaing me to -insert names here- and just let me be my own person and let me do what I can do best. I'm only one person and I feel awful when you say something like "Oh, You did such a wonderful job! I'm so proud of you" to Molly when I only get a "Nice job". It's not fair and it's lowering my self-esteem. I love you all, but its just not fair."
    And that may stop them, if you have the courage to say this, anyways, I think you are extremely cool and don't deserve to be treated like you've done nothing amazing
    March 26th, 2011 at 03:19pm
  • FreyaBalance.

    FreyaBalance. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Plus from the pictures I breifly looked at on your profile you are actually really pretty, it seems that you just need some confidence.

    Plus you remind me of me when I was your age haha, (don't mean to sound a bit weird there lol)
    March 26th, 2011 at 03:19pm
  • FreyaBalance.

    FreyaBalance. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I don't think that your pathetic but I can imagine what it must be like for you being in this situation. Though I did once feel that I wasn't good at anything at all until I started working on something I really enjoyed, and that was art and writing stories.

    I found that helped with all my other issues of not being good at anything. Yea I was crap at English, history, geography, drama, P.E (couldn't do it because of a back issue so I was put wayyyyyy down).

    But when it came to Art, I just let loose and went wild. I found it helped me show how I felt, and when it came to writing stories it put me into a fantasy world which once again made me forget about the real world.

    My step-dad, has 3 kids, 2 sons and one daughter. I don't really get along with them because of how they treat my step-dad but when I was very young (this is a situation I could relate to with you), my step-sister was really pretty, confident, always happy, made everyone smile and was just perfect in my step-dad's eyes. But when I'd come on the scene my step-dad would just yell at me all the time and tell me to grow up (I was about 10-14 when this stuff happened) and I'd hate it, everything I did was wrong, everything I said would upset him. All I wanted to do was make my step-dad happy for my mums sake for being with him.

    Today I get on with my step-dad like he's my actual father, and he says I'm a better daughter to him then his own.

    They don't write to him.
    They don't call him.
    They dont email him.

    Just find the nerve to tell somebody in your family about how you feel, you'll feel a lot better for it and you might find that things will probably change. If they don't just keep bringing it up until someone listens. It took me a while until my step-dad finally listened until how I felt, so just give it time.

    Plus you'll find as time goes by things will change, it may take a while but it will.

    I hope this helps, :-) feel free to message me in the future if you ever need someone to listen I'll be here ok :-)
    March 26th, 2011 at 03:14pm