The Second Coming of Tiger Mother. - Comments

  • You can live with me and my cat Hannah. He's fat. Yes, his name is Hannah.
    Anyway, parents can be hard on kids and you shouldn't feel like you have to live up to his standards. I know how people say that kids have it easier these days than "back in the day" but I don't think that's totally true. It's harder than ever to get into a great college, harder than ever to get a job at your age, harder than ever to stay away from everything harmful because of peer pressure, etc. You can't be in his shadow. You're your own person, and even your parents can't have a say in that. Hell, that doesn't make you a failure.
    If you were cracked out on meth at 16 and a highschool drop out who failed their last semester, I can see you as a failure. Even then there could be potential.
    No one's a failure.
    You're definitely not one.
    The stress level that you poor kids have to go through is appalling at times. Parents, teachers, peers, etc. seem to expect you guys to go from school, to extra curricular activities, to sports, to work and then have time to do homework. Where's your teenage years? You spent them in the books because you wanted to be something.
    Trust me, it's not worth the stress.
    I say take a moment to step back from it and relax for maybe an hour and see what happens.
    Think about everything around you.
    Remember: you're not living up to anyone's standards but your own.
    April 5th, 2011 at 05:34am
  • HOLY MOLY. YOU'RE BRO.... o___o
    HIS SATS SCORES.... Gosh, I envy it.

    I'm sorry that you have to try to live up to your brother in order to get your parents' approval. That really sucks. :( My parents always compare me to my perfect cousins who are my age and complain about how I'm not as good as them so I [slightly] know how you feel.

    Have you tried sitting down with both your parents and talking about how you feel?

    And you should try talking to your school counselor, if you haven't already. If your mom won't listen to you, then hopefully s/he will.
    April 5th, 2011 at 02:50am
  • Awh hun, I'm sorry. I can't say my parents are the exact same, but I understand what you mean. I used to think my parents were like that, too, but sometimes, it's when they love you too much, they're smothering you.

    They're worried about what you'll amount to in the future because they want you to have a family. I get that you're hesitant about it---I've already made it clear to my parents I do not have any intentions of entering or exiting a romantic relationship.

    More than anything, I guess you need to sit down with your parents and tell them how you feel about that. Tell them that what they're doing is undermining you and your intelligence. If they can't be your mom or your dad, what is there left for you to do? You have to be completely honest with them, I'd say.

    Oh, and if you ever need to talk to someone, don't hesitate to PM me, I'm more than willing to talk to you[:
    April 5th, 2011 at 02:50am