A way to let loose - Comments

  • Evil_Angel

    Evil_Angel (100)

    United States
    It is always good to let go and rant :) We all need it sometimes. I know what it is like when you think you can't find someone. I find that the best people come to you when you aren't looking :)

    It will happen no worries. I found my GF when I wasnt even looking for a relationship :) But in the same sense, when I first came out when I was 19 it suxked because I felt like that. I couldn't find someone or I didnt have the courage to ask out, but eventually I stepped up to the plate and it is worth it in the end :) You will know when it is time :) I am the shyest person you will meet by the way :) though it does not seem it XD

    Anywho before I rant on.... I hope all works out for you!! You will find someone and within time you will be in a relationship :) <3
    April 5th, 2011 at 07:17am