Prom | Waxing | Sexual Contact - Comments

  • 1. No....the guy I was dating was a senior, but he wasn't going anyway....I'm too old. lmao.
    2. Ugh, my dress junior year was pretty, but senior year it was gorgeous. :]
    3. Junior year was Hollywood, and senior year was under the city lights....that was stupid.
    4. Ew...
    5. Oh, I have tons....
    Little Red and the Big Bad Wolf by onlythegooddieyoung. It's a Glee story, and it's a sequel, but I don't think you have to read the first one....but it's amazing too. :]
    April 8th, 2011 at 04:28am
  • 1. Yes, April 30. No, im going to be the third wheel:) yay! >.<
    2. Sort of, trying to fix up an old dress (seeing as its only my junior prom, no need to spend lots of money), and if that plan doesnt work out ill probably get a new one:)
    3. The lamest theme, huh? Probably yours. haha
    4. No thanks!
    5. My Marriage to Sidney Crosby,, fanfic. Its amazing:)!
    April 8th, 2011 at 03:40am
  • 1// I am, ours is April 30th. I do.
    2// -
    3// "Starry Night" was so fucking cheesy last year, aha.
    4// Fkdljfskws.
    5// Probably Play Crack The Sky, which is a one-shot by tigermilk.
    April 8th, 2011 at 03:04am
  • 1. Yes, on April 30th. As of right now, no date.
    2. Yes, my mother made it for me.
    3. As Time Goes By, it was our theme last year.
    4. ...?
    5. The Life & Times of a Pretend Vampire by kenny mccormick;. Its awesome.
    April 8th, 2011 at 03:03am
  • 1. Nope, I'm not going to prom. I wasn't asked to go.
    3. The 80s theme we had last year, SUCKED. Seriously.... sucked. The music was awesome though.
    4. Sounds.... gross.
    5. It's called I Love You Skin Deep. It's great.
    April 8th, 2011 at 02:52am
  • 1. My prom is on the 16th. I'm going with my boyfriend. :)
    2. I have everything ready. My dress is a bright cherry red and strapless. The accessories/shoes are silver and black.
    3. Uhmmm... I dunno really. I'm so sick of "Hollywood" and "Las Vegas" because they're so overdone. Ours this year is Candyland. ;D
    4. YES!
    5. Don't really have one.
    April 8th, 2011 at 02:52am