Attention! Volunteers needed(: - Comments

  • Roseh; believe

    Roseh; believe (330)

    Great Britain (UK)
    1) Describe yourself with five words:
    a. Ambitious
    b. Insecure
    c. Colourful
    d. Submissive
    e. Trusting

    2) Religion? Agnostic, but I believe in a wide variety of things.

    3) Make an acrostic poem with you name.

    4) You're home on a Saturday alone. What do you do?
    Write, surf the web, listen to music as aloud as I can stand, sing along, maybe record a few youtube videos and watch all the TV shows I'm too embarrassed to admit to watching - Coach Trip, Come Dine With Me, Glee etc...!

    5) Favorite hobbies?
    Writing, Acting, Singing, Dancing, Rock Climbing.

    6) Special qualities?
    Apparently I'm a good writer, and I can sing and act well. I'm also a good listener, even though I can't give advice very well. People have said that I'm very funny, even if I don't mean to be. much of the time.

    7) Five fun facts:
    a) I have a diploma in Musical Theatre
    b) I'm both a dermatillomaniac and a trichotillomaniac
    c) I'm the only person to have won both the junior and senior public speaking trophies at my school
    d) I tend to live in the past
    e) I'm a hopeless romantic, however I've never had a relationship in my life

    1) Color: Pink, purple, blue and cream
    2) Animal: Hummingbird
    3) Hobby: Acting
    4) Movie: The History Boys and RENT
    5) TV Show: Mock The Week
    6) Book(s): Harry Potter, The Time Traveler's Wife and If I Stay
    7) Food/Type of: Ice Cream, anything sweet.

    1) Perfect first date:
    a) What: Romantic dinner
    b) Where: Either out in a nice restaurant or in at either of our homes
    c) When (time of day): Evening
    d) Expectations from it (check all that apply):
    [X] Hug
    [?] Kiss
    [] Sex
    [] Confession of feelings
    [] 'I love you's

    2) Perfect second date:
    a) What: Night Out, maybe karaoke or pub quiz or something like that
    b) Where: Warm, friendly pub
    c) When (time of day): Evening
    d) Expectations from it (check all that apply):
    [X] Hug
    [? more exptected than first date] Kiss
    [] Sex
    [] Confession of feelings
    [] 'I love you's

    3) Perfect third date:
    a) What: A day out doing an activity - shopping, a picnic, going to the beach etc...
    b) Where: Wherever we need to go
    c) When (time of day): Morning/Afternoon, during the day time
    d) Expectations from it (check all that apply):
    [X] Hug
    [X] Kiss
    [?] Sex
    [?] Confession of feelings
    [?] 'I love you's

    Family home life: Live with mother and younger brother. Father stays at weekends and lives away during the week for work purposes. Parents still together.
    Past: Nothing particularly interesting has ever happened to me, and I sometimes wish it had.
    Additional important facts: I'm pansexual, and I have a very large number of tiny scars (mainly on my legs, but also on my lower arms as well) from a car crash when I was very young and as a result of my dermatillomania, which is the main feature of my appearance that I'm insecure about. Also, I adore musicals!

    Would you like credit for this? In other words, do you want me to put a link to your profile saying thanks on the summary, or do you want it to be anonymous?

    I really don't mind. Whichever you want :)

    Hope this helps you!
    April 14th, 2011 at 05:50pm
  • colibri

    colibri (150)

    1) Describe yourself with five words:
    a. Mature
    b. Anxious
    c. Average
    d. weird
    e. writer

    2) Religion?*
    None. I don't like religion. But I do believe in the Buddhist philosophy.

    3) Make an acrostic poem with you name.
    Is self deprecating
    Abhorrent to hatred and violence.

    4) You're home on a Saturday alone. What do you do?
    I sleep in late, read books and watch TV. I never go out. I've got terrible social anxiety.
    5) Favorite hobbies?
    Reading, writing, playing music, listening to music, talking to people about interesting things.
    6) Special qualities?
    I'm a good writer (or so they tell me) and drawer. I am a fast reader, and I love to debate about things.
    7) Five fun facts:
    a) I sometimes spew random facts randomly when I'm bored. They're usually facts that no one cares about.
    b) I have a weird sense of humor. It's kind of dry.
    c) I hate not talking to people. If I don't, then usually I get upset.
    d) I have severe clinical depression, and have had it for three years.
    e) I used to self harm, but mostly I just hurt myself with self deprecating words.

    1) Color: Neon blue (only sometimes. Other times I like light grey)
    2) Animal: Snow leopard.
    3) Hobby: Reading.
    4) Movie: Life is Beautiful
    5) TV Show: Golden Girls! Definitely. Oh my god, that show. I watch it religiously every day, even though it was cancelled almost twenty years ago.
    6) Book(s): The Book Thief, Catcher in The Rye, The Giver, Lord of The Rings, Harry Potter... etc., etc.
    7) Food/Type of: Pasta.

    1) Perfect first date:
    a) What: Whut. I don't understand this?
    b) Where: Ireland. Anywhere in Ireland, really. Except for the big cities. There aren't many, at least I don't think.
    c) When (time of day): Dawn. I love the early early morning. And yeah, it'd be kind of weird to have a date then, but I would love it.
    d) Expectations from it (check all that apply):
    [x] Hug
    [x] Kiss
    [] Sex
    [x] Confession of feelings
    [] 'I love you's

    2) Perfect second date:
    a) What: Uh. I don't get this one, again. Sorry! ):
    b) Where: Probably on a cliff, or a hill somewhere over a city, or an ocean. Somewhere with a nice view.
    c) When (time of day): Night time. Probably around ten.
    d) Expectations from it (check all that apply):
    [x] Hug
    [x] Kiss
    [] Sex
    [x] Confession of feelings
    [] 'I love you's

    3) Perfect third date:
    a) What: ...
    b) Where: I'd say a restaurant or fair. I'd probably know the person better and I wouldn't be so awkward. I don't like being around too many people if I'm with someone I like.
    c) When (time of day): afternoon.
    d) Expectations from it (check all that apply):
    [x] Hug
    [x] Kiss
    [x] Sex
    [x] Confession of feelings
    [x] 'I love you's

    Family home life: I live with my mum, my sister lives in a different city, four hours away. My parents are separated, and my father is a stupid, lying, cheating asshole. I don't like talking to him. In fact, I ignore his texts. It's hard to explain.
    Past: Growing up, my family was always dysfunctional. My father was barely ever there, and when he was he was abusive. He threw things at me and my sister, like a knife and he's punched me and put me down multiple times. He is part of the reason why I have such low self esteem. Also, my nana (his mother) is always trying to get in my life. She called social services before because she saw some lyrics I wrote, and my father told her that I used to cut. My sister is an overly dramatic immature self absorbed bitch. So yeah, the only person I really like in my family is my mother and my dog.
    Additional important facts: Nothing really. I have a psychiatrist and therapist, and I hate looking in the mirror, if that helps any. Hahahah.

    Would you like credit for this? In other words, do you want me to put a link to your profile saying thanks on the summary, or do you want it to be anonymous?

    No, I don't really care what you do with this stuff. You can use it if you want, though I doubt I'm a very interesting 'character'. Anonymity is not important to me. Credit me if you'd like, it doesn't bother me. (:
    April 14th, 2011 at 02:32am