America in Distress- put your debate face on!!! - Comments

  • I like the idea and what it says. And disagree with some of the comments it's not as if he straight up burnt the flag or anything. But I do how ever agree with the cuts they are making to the military in most instances.
    April 13th, 2011 at 01:38am
  • @ Lizzie-I don't find it very extreme at all. The way I see it, it's far better to see a silent protest than a violent one. I can see how some find it insulting, but I guess I'm the type of person to see past that, once I see a person's true reasons. Once I saw that the man is actually very patriotic, my opinion of him changed.
    April 13th, 2011 at 12:44am
  • I don't know if I would describe it as disrespectful (though it might be), but I think it's a little extreme. I mean, yeah we're at war and yeah, our government isn't perfect and doesn't always (or normally) do what's best for the country, but to do something so far as to show the distress sign might be crossing the line. It's one thing to excercise freedom of speech and another to completely cross the boundaries and insult everyone.
    April 13th, 2011 at 12:41am