RIP Rachael. - Comments

  • MaryKatelynx3

    MaryKatelynx3 (100)

    United States
    Don't give him space, Go see him and just give him a hug, let him cry on your sholder and hold him tight. He may say he needs space but you have to be there for him. The morning I found out one of my best friends died i couldn't stop crying and i wouldn't leave my room. I didn't wanna see anyone. My best friend came over and just held me, she didn't say anything to me or ask me questions, she just held me. and it made me feel so much better. It reminded me that there are people in my life that are there for me and that love me and will do anything to make sure im happy.

    First off, you need to be strong for your friend and for yourself. Keep him occupied so he isn't just sitting at home depressed. Tell him everything is going to be okay and your gonna be there for him. You have to be there for him.

    I wish you and your friend best of luck, and i'm sorry for your loss. If you need anymore advice feel free to contact me.
    April 15th, 2011 at 06:19am
  • Warbler

    Warbler (100)

    United States
    Oh my gosh! I hope he's ok! I'm so sorry to hear about this!!!
    April 15th, 2011 at 04:01am