People like that make me sick. - Comments

  • I come from a christian home and have NO problem with the gay community.Just wanted comment.
    April 20th, 2011 at 06:34am
  • I like you. :D

    I have no problem with religious people, it's the people who are close minded and use their religion as an excuse that really get me. If you're going to be an idiot, at least leave religion out of it. It just makes everyone in that religion look bad.

    And unfortunately for you (as a Christian, I mean), you'll get judged for that person's actions. Like, I think most Christian's are batshit crazy and judgmental because that's what the majority of them give me.
    April 20th, 2011 at 06:02am
  • I know what you mean! I was on this Christian website once and they were talking about how Hot Topic "poisoned their kids" which is just so ridiculous. It really annoys me how closed minded some people are.
    April 20th, 2011 at 04:48am