I believe I'm almost done writing stories completely here on mibba; - Comments

  • There's a shortage on feedback these days. I don't think anybody gets as many comments as they used to. It's probably the growing number of members (ironically enough), that it's quicker for your story to move off the front page. And then there's like, a change of readership. Lots of old members left, many who could be readers of yours, and we have to start from scratch to build a sort of ~fanbase.

    It probably didn't help that I switched from one of the most popular fanfics here (MCR) to exclusively original fiction xD Sadly, if your story isn't a teen romance that features things from popular shows right now - vampires, musical choirs, etc - it is very very likely to get overlooked. We need to work harder for our comments now. Not fair, but that's how it is :3
    April 20th, 2011 at 09:41pm
  • I know what you're talking about. The good stories, usually the original fiction, get completely overlooked... and I know what you mean about the lack of comments and readers, too. I've never, NEVER had more than 7 comments on a story of mine, and that's with comment swapping. -__-"
    So, I feel you. Sigh.
    April 20th, 2011 at 03:20pm
  • I know how you feel. The only way I get comments is by doing comment swaps. I mean, I write for my own pleasure and stuff, but it'd be nice to know that someone actually likes my stories y'know? I have 21 subscribers on my current story and right at 100 readers and I've gotten less than five comments in the past three updates.

    Sorry for the mini-rant, but yea, I get where you're coming from.
    April 20th, 2011 at 01:57pm
  • Yeah, but for the most part, I have to admit I deleted most of my stories because I also wanted to fix them up. I'm hoping that even though no one loves me enough to give me feedback (without bribes, at least), then I'll work on them at my own pace and put them back up. I'm more than likely going to put them up again because I hate JUST wanting the comments and deleting if I get a lack of. But that and frustration with my own writing lead to everything getting canned.
    April 20th, 2011 at 09:44am
  • TeaTime, I'm the same way. I save all of my stories in drafts here on mibba, just in case I read through them randomly, I may start them up again. But I do the same thing, delete my stories out of frustration.
    April 20th, 2011 at 07:18am
  • I know how you feel. I honestly feel super thrilled when I see a story gets at least one comment. I actually deleted everything partially out of frustration for lack of comments or feedback. I plan to upload them all again at some point, but I also felt like no one was going to miss them. It's always my originals that get no love. Like, my fanfics will usually get at least a few readers, but my original fiction gets no love at all unless I specifically ask.
    April 20th, 2011 at 07:15am
  • Since you have deleted those stories and didn't mention them in the journal, I didn't know about them. I'm an author too, I know how much feedback fuels the fire; but you did say there would be new comments about every chapter, and if you go from that to having none, it sounds like you expected to have comments on your new stories, not that it's a bad thing. If you have successful stories, there's no reason not to expect some sort of feedback. In my experience, and as I've seen on many other stories here, comments are typically just comments about how good a story is and are rarely helpful; that's what I mean by "praise".

    I'm not trying to get a rise out of you or anything, promise.
    April 20th, 2011 at 07:15am
  • Well, I put up there that I know that several stories on here have done well. But I haven't updated those stories in a while because I stopped getting feedback and I started them a while ago. I love to write because I love to write, but every author likes feedback, it doesn't necessarily have to be praise, but they like to know they're on the right track and they are doing well. It's not a shock that I'm not getting feedback, because I've started several other stories before this one that I've deleted because they weren't getting feedback either, I just feel the people on mibba have changed their views on feedback, that's all.
    April 20th, 2011 at 06:52am
  • I took a look at your story comment/reads counts, and I have to say that your stories are better off than mine are, and more so than a lot of writers here. If you've had stories that are successful, I can understand that a lack of feedback on new projects being a shock. The most comments I have on a story is 7, and it's been abandoned for nearly two years. The most reads, 86. The most subscriptions, 21. And all of those apply to fanfiction, not the original fiction I put more effort into. I feel the same way about not getting feedback, especially on a story that I am strongly connected to, so I get it.

    Whether you want to write here anymore or not because of feedback (or lack there of) is your prerogative. No one can tell you if you're right or wrong about it. It's up to whether you write because you want to or because you like the praise.
    April 20th, 2011 at 06:32am