What would happen next if you were the writer? - Comments

  • WTFMusicPerson

    WTFMusicPerson (210)

    United States
    For the "try to find a wall with a light switch" I think change that to jiggle the switch...
    And the word movement instead of moment.

    I think the lights should flicker back on like no big deal. And she is like psh I was totally flipping out for nothing... I'm such a weirdo... And then she decides since she's up she might as well get something from the kitchen. Little does she know when she steps through that door way she enters... "The twilight zone"

    lol no not the twilight zone but like an alternate universe of some sort... Idk it could be like she gets transported back in time or it could be a universe with fairies and magic, it could be in to like a horror wake me from this nightmare place.... Or it could be the same time same place except it seems like there is something "different" about everyone and everything that eventually turns out bad.

    For me I would choose maybe travel back in time and have her start this like adventure where she is suppose to save people and stuff. Narnia esq and then like at the pivotal moment she walks back in to the room except this time she gets transported back to normal. For the nightmare one I would have it end with her dieing in the other realm and then waking up in her bed in the normal realm but the lights flicker again and she feels a movement again oddly familiar to the monster that killed her... then the lights flash back and nothing else happens.
    April 21st, 2011 at 06:59pm
  • katze

    katze (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Just saying, this sounds really cliché.....
    April 21st, 2011 at 04:54pm