School||Stories||Questions - Comments

  • I'll read your story for you. In return, it would be great if you could comment on Cartoon Hero. I'm trying to get as much feedback from as many different people as possible.
    April 26th, 2011 at 01:01am
  • 1. I'm always on spring break. -.-"
    2. Hanna and Your Highness and Insidious. I didn't get to see the beginning or end of Hanna. >=/
    3.Probably nothing important to me.
    4. Hmm NCIS or That's 70's Show

    I'll swap Ghost In the Mirror? I just updated it, and the chapters are pretty short.

    I wish I knew how to help. But I only go to school two days a week. >.>
    April 26th, 2011 at 12:06am
  • French is hell.
    I speak French, it's my main language, but I definitely understand how hard it is for people who don't speak it all the time to get good at it.
    I hate verbs with a passion, and the grammar is hard.
    I don't really know any tips for you though except trying to speak in French the most you can.
    April 25th, 2011 at 11:36pm
  • Hey, just so you know, you do have to censor your swears; it's a Mibba rule :)
    Aww :( If it makes you feel any better, my school does those things too, and it's a public school.
    Starting college apps now is actually a sound choice, because junior year you will be super busy, and you'll be glad not to have to do even more work. Trust me.
    Personally, I would stick it out. See if you can try working on French individually with someone, instead of getting different help in all your classes. If it's because of the langauge barrier, then that's what will help.

    I don't go to an all French school, but I am in my second to last year of French before I'm considered fluent, and what I've learned is that you really need to immerse yourself in it, and force yourself to speak it. What I do is set all my tech toys (iPod, phone, etc) to French.
    As well, I try to speak in French with anyonre I can, anytime I can. My mother speaks French, so I speak with her, or with friends.
    April 25th, 2011 at 11:32pm