Rhyming and Poetry - Comments

  • AmorarEsDeVivir

    AmorarEsDeVivir (100)

    United States
    Rhyming poetry isn't inherently bad. However, keep an eye out for rhythm, meter, and flow, and watch which words you use. It's really easy to end up with an imbalance in syllables between lines, or a word that doesn't quite fix the context, etc. in attempt to make a line rhyme. A common weakness of rhyming poetry is when it comes out awkward and forced.

    Just things to take precaution on. If rhyming poetry is more likeable to you, keep writing it! However, I do still urge you to write non-rhyming poetry too. It provides a whole different set of challenges, and (for me at least) stepping outside your comfort zone in writing can be one of the most inspiring and motivational things. Sometimes things come out way better than you'd expected because you tried something new.
    April 27th, 2011 at 05:58am
  • Happily Forgotten;

    Happily Forgotten; (100)

    United States
    I tend to write more freeverse, one-because that's how my poems naturally form in my mind, and two- because rhyme schemes tend to make me feel more restricted in my writing. As for inspiration, that can range from something I'm feeling to a particular phrase that pops into my mind and just...sounds good. If that happens, I'll try to build a poem around it. :3 Sometimes a song or quote can get me going to. A lot of my poetry is simply thoughts/emotions though. It's a way to clear my head a bit.

    When I see poems where the author tried for the rhyme more than the actual meaning or flow of the piece, the poem seems lacking and forced. If you feel that you write better with a rhyme scheme, or it feels 'right', like you said, then feel free to continue with it. But don't be afraid to try out some other forms, you never know how it'll end up. :)

    I try to write a rhyming poem every once in a while because it's a challenge for me. And when done right, it has a very nice flow and sound to it, almost musical.(not mine, but some poems. cx)

    Good luck. :)
    April 27th, 2011 at 04:42am
  • IceChanter

    IceChanter (100)

    United States
    A lot of modern poetry tries to go away from rhyme because you can usually tell what the rhyming word will be. For example, 'moon' is usually rhymed with 'june,' or something equally obvious. That is why some people prefer the surprise of unrhymed poetry.

    However, I personally write both. I like the lyrical aspect of rhymed poetry, but I like the freedom of free verse. I think that writing both and having that experience would allow you to see which one you prefer. Or you could just write both!

    Hope that helped!
    April 27th, 2011 at 03:14am