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  • xUnforgivableCursex

    xUnforgivableCursex (100)

    United States
    I've been there before though it was in high school. Lol. But that, I don't know. Guys/girls that run away if they don't get sex is just them wanting to get it over with or whatever and not care how their partner feels. There was this guy that kept pressuring one of my friends to have sex with him (because he was a virgin) and my friend had to get a restraining order on him. He basically was obsessed with her and didn't like anyone else she set him up with. As a matter of fact, another friend of mine liked him and he just chose to ignore her because she "wasn't as well developed" as my other friend. And I think me being there, glaring at him made him feel nervous about asking my friends out. XD
    May 1st, 2011 at 04:02pm