My Life Sucks....and other angsty complaints. - Comments

  • the apex predator;;

    the apex predator;; (150)

    United States
    Jessi Slaughter was stupid and wanted attention and she went about it in completely the wrong way. If she wanted to be famous she shouldn't have trashed everyone else and she shouldn't have dragged Dahvie's name through the dirt by saying he raped her. She's honestly a poor excuse for a human being and I have no respect for her. By now she's made it so difficult to believe a word she's saying that I wouldn't believe her if she said the sky was blue; I'd check with a few other people to make sure. (By the way, that's also what was said about Stephen Glass who was a journalist that fabricated 27 stories he wrote, and it was this huge scandal. That's my extent of hate for Jessi.)

    Kiki is alright. She just went down the typical scene queen road. That's what happens. I'd have much preferred she started at seventeen or eighteen but then again, scene is mostly age 14-18 so there's not a lot of time to be famous past 18. She did make a name for herself, though, so she did what she was trying to do.

    I don't have anything against scene kids or scene queens. I wanted to be one of them but my mother wouldn't let me dye my hair or learn how to do that kind of makeup or anything, and with the way my hair and face are, I probably wouldn't be able to be one anyway. It just wouldn't work. I'm happy being...well, whatever I am. Hipster emo or whatever. xD But I don't have anything against the scene kids. I understand where they're coming from. They grow out of it sooner or later, and I do find it kind of neat that people experimented with themselves enough to find this category. Then again, I'm totally into body modding (piercings / tattoos) and just the general alternative lifestyle/modeling like Suicide Girls, soooo...

    There are my two cents on the subject. :)
    May 3rd, 2011 at 02:36pm