Falling for you friend's ex-boyfriend, has it gotten out of hand? I need your opinion Mibba. - Comments

  • Hah, I would suppose my age doesnt help. But since your friend broke up with him, there must obviously be a reason. I'm just saying, hopefully providing less drama to happen, you know. He does seem like the nice guy, though. Which makes me wonder what had went wrong between them. But it's none of my business.

    Anyways, be more truthful with your friend. Or at least talk to her about her feelings before anything serious starts to happen. Awh, was he hurt? I wish him well.

    I wish the whole situation well. I would hate to know that something bad happened. I wish it luck. And I hope your friend gets better and I hope you talk to her about your feelings and what her feelings are.

    Just be careful and you're very welcome.

    May 23rd, 2011 at 05:51am
  • v. It's fine, I mean yeah I just saw your age but it really doesn't matter considering you give great advice.
    But yeah, I've never been in a relationship, I've never been kissed or anything so I don't know.
    But yeah she knows I was going to chill with him whenever, but I haven't told her I did, we work together and she was asking me what I did yesterday and I said that I simply stayed home.

    But yeah, she actually broke it off with him, he was heartbroken, 'cause he's the kind of guy who does everything for a girl and watches out for her, he loved her, and is an overall nice guy, y'know? And lol, well makeup works like a charm my dear, seriously. But thank you much.
    But yes, I'm not really worried I guess, I don't even know what I feel towards him.
    But yeah, he told me he wanted to hangout with me tomorrow, but he got in an accident, just hit a deer, but I was like, awh.
    May 23rd, 2011 at 05:37am
  • Awh, I'm so sorry to hear that about your friend. Have you been able to talk to her about why she's doing drugs. Of course I am only 15 and I probably don't know as much as you or your friend knows about relationships...but you know. Anyways, just at this point keep you and this guy's relationship quietm because your friend needs you. And quite honestly I dont think she would want to deal with the whole Ex thing again.

    I don't think you're being a bad friend..I don't think anyone really is. But, just make sure her feelings come first. Because he might treat you special and make you feel pretty. (which you are, you are insanely gorgeous. I've got no idea what you were saying about how no guys like you.) Anyways, just be careful, because there's a reason why him and your friend didn't work out. And if he broke up with her, you don't want to get hurt by him.

    May 23rd, 2011 at 05:26am
  • cola frank Wow, why thank you :) I don't know, I've always been mightily self-conscious and he doesn't make me feel ashamed of myself and whatnot. It's kind of comforting, in a way.
    Thanks for leaving your opinion, we'll see on what the future holds. Maybe best friends is all we're meant to be.

    NickJay's La baby That's why I'm truly worried though. My friend has been involved with drugs lately and has lost an immense amount of weight and overall changed. I don't know if this has anything to do with anything but I'm worried about her and that if maybe his and I's relationship ever gets to that point it will crush her even more, y'know? Even though she's told me that she's not one to talk, considering she went out with his best friend. And I've always told myself I wouldn't betray a friend or anything, since both friends have betrayed one of their boyfriend's the past before.
    May 23rd, 2011 at 05:04am
  • I've been through this before. I except I was the friend and my best friend had a thing for my ex. I don't know if it's just me, but I'm pretty sure your friend fells this way. I always told my friend it was alright, I didn't have a problem with it, because you know that's what a good friends should do. Give each other a chance. Then it got to the point where everything just started to hurt. All of our converstations were about him. And me and my friend are still friends only I don't trust her. And I just really, honestly wish she watched out more for my feelings. But that's what I think. It might turn out good. But sometimes you've gotta remember..chicks before dicks. And make sure you take a note of how excatly your friend feels. Because she's not going to just tell you if she's upset or not.

    Hope that helped with an idea ((:
    May 23rd, 2011 at 04:57am
  • Oh my gosh. You're like insanely pretty. How could you be the girl that the guys don't like? You're gorgeous. ._.

    But I think if you really like him and you could really see things going somewhere with him, you should go for it. And you should make sure your friend understands. She may be upset at first, but she'll eventually understand.

    May 23rd, 2011 at 04:55am