Me and my best friend... - Comments

  • Raie

    Raie (100)

    I just wish it's that simple but it's not. My parents are like, especially my dad, strict and very narrow minded. No opinions allowed. Try speaking up and if they didn't like what you just said, and you insist that you are right even though you really are right, engk! you're wrong. Step outside the house and don't ever come back. End of story. And my best friend and I live at the opposite side of the world. I would want to call her, but it's too expensive. We might do skype, but our times are reversed. If it's morning here, it's midnight there. It's too complicated. All we can do is msg each other.

    But it's ok, it's all been solved now. thanks running in circles.^_^
    March 30th, 2012 at 10:48pm
  • running in circles;

    running in circles; (100)

    United States
    You don't seem like you're 20, just saying.

    Anyway, if you are twenty, then just go calmly and civilly talk to you're parents about what you heard. Tell them that you're upset that your grandma maybe be trying to start something for whatever reason.

    As for your best friend, you two will get over it. Big deal. I suggest talking on the phone rather than texting. Trust me.
    May 30th, 2011 at 07:52pm